Wednesday, March 20, 2013

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Building muscle and burn fat at the same time

No one can really convert fat into muscle tissue. You can not magical transformation that turns fat into muscle. It is possible, however, burn fat and build muscles, at the same time. In fact, this is better than before burn all the fat and just starting to build your muscles after. When you focus entirely on the consumption of fat with no muscle building efforts, you could do more harm than good to yourself. You could create imbalances in your hormones and severely weaken the immune system. It may then not be able to start building the muscles. The healthiest option is to explore ways to burn fat, while also working to build muscles.

To burn fat, you need to do cardio exercises. You have to put your body into a fat burning zone, which is when you are working at your maximum heart rate. You must keep this heart rate for at least 12 minutes or, at most, 60 minutes. Your maximum heart rate is to be determined through a cardiac stress test done by a professional in a health center. Do a combination of high intensity and low intensity cardio sessions makes it shorter and more efficient in terms of fat burning. This should be done three times a week.

To build muscles, you should challenge your physical body well beyond its current capacity. Strength training through weight lifting or resistance training brings unexpected physical stress on the muscles exist. The body reacts and deals with the repair of muscle fibers abused and build muscle mass. Heavy strength training should be done three times a week with an additional day of training for the force of light.

You can combine fat burning and muscle building efforts alternating days of cardio and heavy days of strength training. If you're up to the challenge, you could also do your cardio workout immediately after the session of strength training. This makes for a more efficient workout to burn fat, because the training is already exhausted all the glycogen stores in your muscles and your body will be forced to immediately use the stored fat during the cardio session. In fact, one could also include the burning of fat in your strength training. If you do high reps of 15-17 reps with 60 seconds rest periods lower than 30 to 60 seconds in between, you will burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

Combining fat burning and muscle building workouts is the healthiest option and should be completed by a fat burning and muscle building diet, as well. This means stay away from healthy fats and simple carbohydrates such as sugar and starch, but focusing on taking in adequate amounts of protein complete, high-complex carbohydrate, fiber, healthy fats and water. If you pull your act together completely this way, you can be sure that you are on the best way to reach your fitness goals.

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